Friday, January 24, 2014

A Night Among The Orcs Of Innistrad

The Orcs treated you well, but denied you access to the witch, Morgan. The night was a strange one as the goblins had prepared beds for you all to rest. Wolf howls and strange noises in the night made sleeping difficult. Midst
the screeching of far off ghouls you all eventually fell into slumbers rest.

Visions and dreams fill your minds this first night on Innistrad, whether they are true or simply oddities is unknown.

You awake the next morning, energized and invigorated for what tasks might be before you thit day. But upon leaving your tents you notice that Leon is no longer in your company. You search for him along with the members of your party, but all that remains of your companion is a note that reads:

 "I know now that my father is surely alive and thus I have been called another way. May good be done to you.
 - Leon Mclellan"

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