Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Start of Your First Trial

Your guide leaves you in a wooded area, uttering only a few words before departing. "And so your first trial begins." Orange leaves and light snow spot the forest floor as large empty trees hang over you. The smell of campfire fills the air as cold autumn air nips your nose. The sun just barely cracks through the trees, shedding only a hint of warmth against the morning chill.

It might have been a peaceful moment in the beauty of the forest, if it had not been for the tumult of far off screaming and wailing. Sensing the urgency you drop what unnecessary gear you have and seize your weapons and secure your armor. You make a hasty run to the source of the screams.

Coming over a small hill, a village comes into view, along with a number of other persons racing toward the village. The ones you could see were adorned in odd raiment, but you had little time to judge cultures. What was more important was to determine friend from foe.

As you ran past the first few homes and cottages you enter the center of the small town. Though there were no attackers in view, there were a number of men and women racing about in a flurry of cries and shouts. You grab a woman, shouting an inquiry on the situation, but she pushes you away. You look around and see the others who had entered the town with you, all of whom have a look of on-guard confusion.

After a minute of looking around you notice a small tree at the edge of town. A man in priestly attire standing in front of it appears to be holding something that has him trembling. You walk nearer to him calling out: "Priest, what has happened here?"

The old priest turns to you revealing a small cloth doll. His eyes meet yours and with terror in his voice whispers: "The Kindercatch, he's come again."

As the old man's words sink in you begin to slowly understand the shouts and screams of the town:

"Thomas!! William!! Boys, please come back!!"

"Sarah!! Where are you?!!"

"Tim! Timothy!! No!!"


Welcome to Innistrad.

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